My Ohio Legislature

My Ohio Legislature is a free legislation tracking service that allows a user to track legislation by number or subject matter. Users can also receive notice of scheduled committee meetings and of any meeting cancellations or schedule changes.
My Ohio Legislature users will receive one daily email summarizing activity on legislation that meets the user's account criteria. Users can also login to the My Ohio Legislature website to see legislation and committee activity streams on a custom dashboard.
Getting Started
Once your account is created, you will see a blank dashboard that looks like this:
To begin tracking legislation by number, click Track Legislation → Track By Number → Edit List. To begin tracking legislation by subject, click Track Legislation → Track By Subject → Edit List. To begin receiving notification of scheduled committee meetings, click Track Committees → Tracked Committees → Edit List.
After saving your selections, you will receive an email confirming the changes made to your account. You will then begin receiving once-daily email notifications to alert you to legislative activity that meets your account criteria. You may also login to the My Ohio Legislature website to see legislation and committee activity streams on your custom dashboard.
You may suspend these email notifications in the Settings area of the website, accessible using the Settings link in the upper right portion of the site. Other options available in Settings include: change your password and delete your account.
If you have any questions about My Ohio Legislature, send an email to :