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Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee Meetings

General Submissions
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minutes from 2023-05-30 Download
Letter Letter from Ohio Environmental Protection Agency on Senate Bill 119 Download
LSC Comparison Document - Senate Bill 119 Download
Agenda Item Status   Fiscal Notes Analysis
S. B. No. 119 4th Hearing   Download Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Don Mennel Self Proponent Download
Susan Platt Self Proponent Download
Trish Bryon Self Proponent Download
Rachel Reedy Organization Solid Waste District of Ohio Interested Party Download
Rick Carfagna Ohio Chamber of Commerce Interested Party Download
Justin Bis Ohio Coal Association Opponent Download
Agenda Item Status   Fiscal Notes Analysis
S. B. No. 111 2nd Hearing   Download Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Dr. Jacqueline Kirby Wilkins The Ohio State University Extension Proponent Download
Sonia Flunder-McNair SONIA Organics Proponent Download
Jim Buchy Self Proponent Download
Judge Nadine Allen Self Proponent Download
Tia Stuart The Narrow Way Farm Proponent Download
Kent Scarrett Ohio Municipal League Proponent Download