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Craig Applauds Signing of Body Camera Transparency Law

January 9, 2019
Hearcel F. Craig News
Craig Applauds Signing of Body Camera Transparency Law
State Senator Hearcel F. Craig (D-Columbus) applauded the signing of his bill to establish body camera accountability requirements, House Bill 425, into law. The law requires, for the first time, that body cameras worn by peace officers become public record with a few specific exemptions.

“This is a victorious day for all Ohioans,” said Senator Craig. “This bill received unanimous support from both sides of the aisle. By having both sides working together, we were able to pass ground-breaking legislation that has the potential to impact public safety policy across the country.”

Exemptions to the public record include any information that would identify a minor, the death of a person or peace officer, grievous bodily harm, severe violence, nudity, protected personal and health information and investigation-sensitive information. The harm caused by a peace officer would not be exempted from public records.

“This bill creates transparency for both law enforcement and the public,” said Senator Craig. “Creating the exemptions, we make sure that we protect privacy but also hold everyone accountable. This policy will help keep both the public and officers safe. This important legislation will provide privacy protections while ensuring accountability.”

This bill will also replace ex parte protection order expungements with sealing the records.

Governor John Kasich signed the bill into law on Monday, and it will go into effect 90 days following.