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Craig Comments on Transportation Budget

April 2, 2019
Hearcel F. Craig News
Craig Comments on Transportation Budget
Today, the Ohio Senate passed the state’s two-year transportation budget, House Bill 62.

“Our roads and bridges are simply in a state of despair and the General Assembly needed to raise the gas tax,” said state Senator Hearcel F. Craig (D-Columbus). “Although I am concerned about the impact on working families, I am thrilled about the $70 million increase to public transit and the 30 percent increase in the earned income tax credit. These essential resources will provide the vital assistance to ensure safe transit for working people in our state.”

HB 62 includes $70 million per year for public transportation, a 10.5-cent increase in the gas tax and a 19-cent increase in the diesel fuel tax as well as an increase in the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low- and moderate-income Ohioans. Additionally, the bill eliminates Ohio’s front license plate requirement.