Craig, Senate Select Committee on Housing Issues Report

Today, state Senator Hearcel Craig (D-Columbus) joined fellow members of the Senate Select Committee on Housing for a press conference to discuss their newly issued report detailing proposals to improve the availability and affordability of housing in Ohio.
“I am deeply honored to have served on this committee, listened to the hundreds of Ohioans who testified, and helped craft this report and the forthcoming legislation,” said Craig. “This issue is one of the most serious that has faced our state in recent years. Now, we’ve taken a critical first step toward actionable solutions to ensure every Ohioan has access to safe, affordable housing.”
The report findings were driven by months of research, travel, and discussions with local officials, non-profits, and housing advocates by the bipartisan committee. Its proposals aim to bolster affordable housing initiatives, provide financial relief for vulnerable populations, and remove barriers to homeownership.
“Today, Senator Reynolds and I introduced several pieces of legislation to improve the state of housing in Ohio, and in the coming weeks, we expect our colleagues to do the same. While there are no easy solutions to this problem, we all recognize the complexity of this issue demands collaboration from both sides of the aisle to ensure every Ohioan has access to safe, decent, and affordable housing.”
Find the full report here.