Roegner Announces Millions for District Projects

COLUMBUS—State Senator Kristina Roegner (R-Hudson) announced the investment of over $35 million dollars to support meaningful projects that will benefit our local communities and residents for years to come. These dollars were included in House Bill 2, the Capital Budget bill.
"I am excited to see so much funding for so many worthwhile projects that will greatly enhance our communities now and for years to come," said Senator Roegner. "This budget will bolster so many fantastic endeavors, including increased child and family support, the arts, outdoor recreation including hiking trails, as well as contributing to our local commitment to preservation of historic sites."
The legislature generally approves a Capital Budget every two years, funding improvements to public services and facilities across the state, including schools, infrastructure, and mental health and addiction facilities. House Bill 2 includes $600 million for new construction and facility upgrades at Ohio's public schools and $575 million for local infrastructure projects such as roads and water and sewer projects.
In addition to the traditional capital budget, the One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund (OTSCIF) set aside $700 million as another source of funding. This money allowed communities and organizations to apply for help with projects that might not have qualified as part of the state's traditional Capital Budget that happens every two years.
Some of the projects funded in Senator Roegner’s district include:
• Boston Mills Trail Improvements - $250,000: These dollars will supplement the cost of a bridge, piers, and boardwalk needed for a lake crossing requiring an 80' long, 10' wide bridge and appropriate boardwalk.
“Hudson is grateful to have a Senator who not only evaluates a request submitted by a city but also goes beyond it by looking at the budget and evaluating what else would be a good fit that the community may not have uncovered.” Hudson Councilman Chris Foster
• North Fork Preserve of Bath - $370,000: This funding will assist in the renovation of a 50’ x 60’ barn on the property to be used as a public meeting space for both public and private events and would installation of a concrete floor, extending utilities from the existing home on the property and then installing electrical sub panel, outlets, switches, lights and fans to the barn; install supplemental natural gas furnace, interior painting, structural modifications to allow removal interior horse stalls.
“We had an opportunity to meet with Sen. Roegner and State Representative Bill Roemer in 2022 and showcase the unique 78-acre environmentally sensitive North Fork Preserve of Bath and sincerely appreciate their willingness to support state funding for improvements to the property. The North Fork Preserve of Bath will feature a trail loop system, parking area, and renovation of a home and barn to be converted to a public meeting space. In its commitment to protecting and preserving environmentally sensitive areas in the township for the public, Bath Township is pleased to add the North Fork Preserve of Bath to its parks system. We extend our deepest gratitude to Sen. Roegner and Representative Bill Roemer for their continued support for state capital grant funding for improvements to the property.” Vito Sinopoli, Township Administrator
• Case-Barlow Bicentennial Farm Barn Improvements - $90,000: Funding for this project has the potential to improve the functionality of the Farm’s historic 1890’s bank barn and increase its appeal as a programming and event venue.
“Case-Barlow Farm, a local nonprofit since 1996 in Hudson, Ohio, is so delighted and thankful to be the recipient of an Ohio Capital Budget grant. We will be using this funding for ongoing improvements to the historic 1890's bank barn. Planned improvements include the installation of an interior door system that will be situated within the existing entryway in a manner to retain heat in the barn while preserving the original entry. These doors will allow usage of the barn during inclement weather and will extend the seasonal use of the barn for cultural events. When the Barn is not in use, the original doors will be closed so that the exterior appearance of the barn is not affected. Additionally, CBF plans to enclose a 750-square-foot portion of the Barn's lower level to serve as a secure, pest-free storage area. We thank Senator Kristina Roegner for her interest and support in helping Case-Barlow Farm, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, to continue and improve for future generations.” Linda Matty
• Hudson ADA Kayak Ramp/Dock - $62,700: The installation of an ADA-accessible boat/kayak launch dock at Hudson Springs Park, a popular destination within the Hudson Park System, will allow paddling activities to be enjoyed by individuals with disabilities, beginners, children, and seniors.
“Thank you for securing the funding for the ADA Kayak Boat Ramp at Hudson Springs Park. This ramp will give all of our citizens in Hudson the opportunity to enjoy being on the water and enjoy all of the natural features the lake has to offer!” Thomas Sheridan, Hudson City Manager
House Bill 2 heads to the Governor's desk for his signature. See a full list of Capital Budget projects by clicking here.