Koehler Issues Statement on Medicaid Work Requirements
COLUMBUS—State Senator Kyle Koehler (R-Springfield) issued the following statement regarding the recent Columbus Dispatch article about potential changes to Medicaid:
"As I listen to new reports about thousands of Ohio Medicaid recipients losing benefits if President-Elect Donald Trump restores work requirements, I believe that we are looking at the topic backwards. Work requirements don't disqualify thousands of those receiving Medicaid, they help those receiving those benefits - they simply require those who are not working to step up and improve their employment skills.
While the detractors will focus on the cost, we need to focus on the cost associated with recipients who recieve benefits while allowing their employable skills to erode over time. We need to require those not working, to be actively involved in improving job skills.
Giving individuals benefits that are usually associated with employment, while not actually employed, is like giving a high school diploma to someone we don't require to attend classes. We are doing them and society a disservice. I plan on introducing a resolution in support of the restoration of work requirements."