Hicks-Hudson Elected to the 2025-26 GLLC Executive Committee

During the 2024 Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus (GLLC) Annual Meeting, the membership elected State Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson to be Ohio’s representative on the Executive Committee for the 2025-26 biennium. Senator Hicks-Hudson, who represents Ohio’s 11th Senate District on the shore of Lake Erie, has been a member of the GLLC since 2019. During her time with the GLLC, Senator Hicks-Hudson was named a 2019 Birkholz Institute Fellow and member of the Task Force on Nutrient Management. Prior to being elected to the state legislature, Senator Hicks-Hudson served as the mayor of Toledo.
The GLLC Executive Committee includes two officers, chair and vice chair, and members representing Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ontario, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Québec, and Wisconsin. Senator Hicks-Hudson and the other Executive Committee members will guide the activities of the GLLC for the next two years. The GLLC’s policy agenda focuses its work on water consumption, coastal resiliency, nutrient management, toxic substances, and aquatic invasive species.
The GLLC, which receives staff support from The Council of State Governments’ Midwestern Office, is the only nonpartisan, binational group of state and provincial legislators focused on the Great Lakes. It works to strengthen the role of state and provincial legislators in the regional, national, and binational policymaking process by providing a forum to advance policy recommendations, collaborate and educate around the restoration, protection, and sustainable use of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River for current and future generations.