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Ohio Senate Continues Effort to Improve Ohio's Water Quality

April 6, 2022
Stephen A. Huffman News
COLUMBUS—State Senator Steve Huffman (R-Tipp City) today announced an initiative to improve Ohio's overall water quality will soon be on the Governor's desk for a signature. House Bill 175 promotes environmental protection by providing more certainty to regulators and people who are planning to alter their land. "Ohio has had tremendous success in improving water quality throughout the state. This bill furthers our commitment to do what is necessary to clean up our waterways for the families in Ohio who enjoy them," said Senator Steve Huffman. The bill included an amendment to provide $500k, split between the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and local governments to be used for weed harvesting at Indian Lake. “Significant investments and a serious commitment has been made to making Ohio’s water clearer, safer and cleaner," said President Matt Huffman. "We’ve made progress and that commitment covers communities from the city to the country.” To learn more about House Bill 175, click here.