Gavarone Recognizes 2023 American Farm Bureau Champion

COLUMBUS—State Senator Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) today presented a resolution recognizing the 2023 American Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award winner Stacie Anderson.
"Stacie not only showed her expertise and hard work in winning the statewide competition but would go on to win the national award as well," Gavarone said. "We are proud of how Staci represented not just the agricultural community, but our entire state."
The award is given to young Farm Bureau members, ages 18 to 35, who are agricultural enthusiasts but have not earned a majority of their income from an owned production agriculture enterprise in the past three years. They must also demonstrate an interest in improving the business of agriculture, learning new ideas and developing leadership skills.
For more information about Staci and the American Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award, click here.