Gavarone Recognizes Ohio Athletic Committee Wrestling Champion
May 9, 2019
Theresa Gavarone News

COLUMBUS—State Senator Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) on Wednesday recognized Malakaii Pinkelton, a fifth grade student at Bataan Memorial Intermediate School in Port Clinton, for winning the Ohio Athletic Committee (OAC) Wrestling Meet in the 85-pound weight class.
"Malakaii is an outstanding young man, full of determination, and I am proud to recognize his accomplishments before my colleagues," said Gavarone. "I look forward to seeing what he achieves in the years to come."
Malakaii competed in the OAC championships in Youngstown, Ohio earlier this year, battling out a 32-man bracket to win the Division III title at 85 pounds.
Watch the full presentation here, courtesy of the Ohio Channel.