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Sen. Sykes Presents State Legislative Map

August 31, 2021
Vernon Sykes News
Today, state Senator Vernon Sykes (D-Akron), co-chair of the Ohio Redistricting Commission, presented a state legislative map on behalf of the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus during a meeting of the Ohio Redistricting Commission.

“Ohioans have made it clear that they want fair maps and transparency,” Sykes said. “Although our maps are just a start, my hope is that they will help initiate discussions between members of the Ohio Redistricting Commission and allow us to move forward in the process of creating fair legislative districts.”

The plans were created using election data from the 2016, 2018 and 2020 statewide elections, accounting for vote totals from each election. In accordance with the constitutional requirements approved overwhelmingly by Ohio voters, all House and Senate districts included in the maps are contiguous; surrounded by a single, non-intersecting line and adhere to the requirement of plus or minus five percent population deviation. Additionally, the maps included in the plan do not illegally split single, contiguous municipalities or townships in any district in the state, and counties are only split the minimum amount necessary to account for population requirements.

“Our maps adhere to the spirit of the constitutional reforms to Ohio’s redistricting process that voters overwhelmingly approved,” Sykes said. “Most importantly, they keep communities together and help ensure representational fairness by taking voters’ preferences into consideration. I look forward to receiving input from the Commission and members of the public as we work together to create fair districts for our state.”

To see the maps and additional materials, click here.