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Sykes and Advocates Urge DeWine to Fully Fund 2020 Census

April 1, 2019
Vernon Sykes News
Sykes and Advocates Urge DeWine to Fully Fund 2020 Census
Today, state Senator Vernon Sykes (D-Akron) joined the Ohio Census Advocacy Coalition (OCAC) to urge state and local leaders to ensure that all Ohioans are counted in the 2020 census.

“Fully funding the 2020 census will ensure an accurate and fair count of Ohioans,” said Senator Sykes. “Our census numbers will impact the distribution of federal funds, short- and long-term planning for programs and budgets and Ohio’s congressional representation in Washington. All of our communities deserve to be counted and I will continue to advocate and fight for a fully funded census.”

Senator Sykes and members of the OCAC, a newly formed network of Ohio-based advocacy organizations, faith, business, education and community leaders, called for the census to be fully funded in the state’s operating budget. The group asserted that an adequately funded census is the only way to produce an accurate count. Faith leaders raised a moral call for a fair and complete census that ensures all people are counted and all communities thrive.

Census data is collected every ten years to count the population of the United States. This data is used to properly allocate seats for the U.S. House of Representatives and state legislatures, to provide critical information for state and local governments and to determine federal funding assistance for state and local programs. The 2020 census must count roughly 335 million people in over 135 million households and Congress has capped the 2020 Census funds at the 2010 census level of $13 billion.