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Sykes Approves Distribution of $546 Million to Ohioans

October 26, 2020
Vernon Sykes News
Today, state Senator Vernon Sykes (D-Akron) supported the Ohio Controlling Board’s decision to release $546.4 million in federal funding to assist Ohioans throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. “As the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise throughout the state, it is essential that Ohioans have the resources to survive,” said Sykes, who is a sitting member on the Controlling Board. “These funds are critical to minimize the virus’s widespread impacts in the most vulnerable communities and keep Ohioans in their homes.” State agencies will use federal funds made available through the Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to support Ohio’s Covid-19 response efforts. These funds will support a variety of programs, including grants for small businesses, nonprofits, and bars and restaurants, as well as assistance for rental and mortgage; water and sewer utility; Ohio’s arts; veterans’ homes and higher education. It will also fund additional PPE, testing equipment and lab services. Additional distribution details for these funds can be found here.