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Sykes Comments on Start of Senate Budget Hearings

April 14, 2021
Vernon Sykes News
Today, the Ohio Senate Finance Committee will start informally hearing the 2022-2023 state budget. Ranking member state Senator Vernon Sykes (D-Akron) released the following statement: “The state budget is a great opportunity to address significant issues that affect the quality of life of all Ohioans. One of our caucus’ priorities this year is passing the Fair School Funding Plan, which will guarantee better opportunities for Ohio students and stability for school districts. The plan received strong bipartisan support last year and I am optimistic that it will do so again. Adequately funding our schools is essential to help children develop their full potential. “We also need to prioritize small businesses by removing obstacles to their growth and creating a fairer tax system. Currently, Ohio provides nearly $10 billion in annual tax breaks – we should conduct a thorough review and ensure they are achieving their desired purpose. State funding should go to services and businesses that need it the most.”