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Sykes Comments on the Grand Jury Decision in the Jayland Walker Criminal Case

April 18, 2023
Vernon Sykes News

Today, state Senator Vernon Sykes (D-Akron) released a comment on the decision by a special grand jury to not bring forward criminal charges against the eight Akron police officers involved in the killing of Jayland Walker.

“I am disheartened to learn the grand jury found the killing of Jayland Walker by Akron Police justifiable,” said Senator Sykes. “Although this ruling justifies the conduct of these eight police officers, it does nothing to relieve the grief and sorrow felt by his mother, family, and the Akron community. I offer my deepest sympathy to Jayland’s mother and family as we continue to mourn his loss. This ruling serves as further proof of the need for increased police training, accountability, and oversight, which was overwhelmingly supported by the people of Akron with the approval of Issue 10.”

Issue 10 was a ballot initiative passed by Akron voters in 2022, which established a civilian oversight board for the Akron Police Department. This ballot initiative saw broad popular support, with over 61% of voters approving the measure. Senator Sykes joins many other community members in saying that more must be done. 

“Despite this decision, this case is far from over as further investigations and cases will follow.” Senator Sykes said. “Aside from legal actions, more must be done to build better relations between police and the community. Police must receive better training, with an emphasis on de-escalation so that encounters with them do not end in misdirected violence or other senseless tragedies."

While this decision means that no state criminal charges will be brought against the officers involved in Jayland Walker’s killing, his family is still able to bring forward civil charges related to this case. In addition, Senator Sykes expressed support for Congresswoman Emelia Sykes’ call for the federal Department of Justice to open an investigation into the conduct of the Akron Police Department.