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DeMora Condemns Poison Pill's Passage in Special Session

May 28, 2024
William P. DeMora News

Today, state Senator Bill DeMora (D-Columbus) voted against House Bill 271, which originally aimed to modify the numbering of state questions and issues appearing on ballots but was amended at the last minute in the Senate to include anti-democracy language that would attack citizens’ ability to participate in ballot initiatives.

“The Republicans have shown time and time again that they do not want to actually solve issues, they just want to hold onto their power and take away the rights of the voters! The Democrats will solve this problem without drinking the poison that the governor and the Senate majority are attempting to force on us,” said DeMora. “I want to thank the DNC for being the adults in the room and solving this issue, rather than tampering with the rights of the people like the Ohio Republicans are doing.”

House Bill 271 was originally written to modify the numbering system of state questions and ballot initiatives to make the process more understandable. However, along with language to get President Biden on the ballot, the bill was amended to attack ballot initiatives by prohibiting statewide ballot-issue campaigns from knowingly receiving foreign contributions. This provision would be unenforceable without federal action to prohibit anyone or any group in any state from accepting foreign contributions.

Legislation to ensure ballot access to presidential candidates has been passed by the Senate on three occasions. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has stated they have a solution to get President Biden on the ballot without going through the legislative process.

House Bill 271 now returns to the House for its consideration. The House has scheduled a special session on Thursday, May 30 pursuant to the governor’s proclamation.