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DeMora Denounces Ballot Board Brief

June 1, 2023
William P. DeMora News

Today, state Senator Bill DeMora (D-Columbus) condemned the brief filed on behalf of the majority of Ballot Board members. DeMora, an appointee to the Ballot Board, voted against the ballot language that is at the heart of the One Person One Vote v. Ohio Ballot Board lawsuit filed last week.

“I agree with everything said in the lawsuit brought against the Ballot Board,” said DeMora. “The brief filed today defending Secretary LaRose’s misleading and partisan position on this matter is the furthest thing from the truth.”

On May 18, the Ohio Ballot Board adopted ballot language along party lines that misleads voters by omitting key details that are necessary to properly explain the impact of Issue 1 to voters. By neglecting to provide the current, basic standards for ballot initiatives and inaccurately describing the signature requirements, critics, including Senator DeMora, have argued the language appearing on the ballot is unlawful and violates precedent set by the Supreme Court of Ohio.

The Supreme Court will weigh the arguments made by each party and could command the Ballot Board to reconvene to write accurate and fully informative ballot language that will not mislead voters.