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DeMora Disgusted by Out-of-State Extremists Testifying to Bully Kids

November 29, 2023
William P. DeMora News

Today, state Senator Bill DeMora (D-Columbus) denounced the hordes of out-of-state, Republican-backed, lie-spewing Fox News pundits who testified in favor of the bigoted, discriminatory, and extremist House Bill 68, which would ban six Ohio children from participating in sports. Several of the people who testified are paid by right-wing extremist organizations to promote hate nationwide.
“People who have no knowledge of Ohio and are not representative of the views of the people of our state are coming here to spread hate and misinformation to abuse a minority group further,” said DeMora. “These bills are filled with hate; hate for children and people who simply want to live their life in its truest form. It is despicable that Republicans, led by their most homophobic members, are lying through their teeth to target an already vulnerable population. Gary Click, the extremist who introduced this awful bill, is the absolute last person we should want telling parents and their children what is best for their family.”
Banning “gender reassignment surgery” for minors is a misnomer because medical experts and standards of care agree that gender-affirming care for minors very rarely includes surgery. Every children’s hospital in Ohio has stated that they do not perform gender reassignment surgery on adolescents. The standards of care emphasize that the decision to undergo any interventions should be made on an individual basis, with the support of parents and health care providers, and with the person’s unique circumstances taken into account. Attacks on gender-affirming care strips parents, in coordination with health care providers, of their ability to support their children in making informed decisions that let them live as their authentic selves.
Gender-affirming care is safe, effective, and supported by every major medical and mental health association, including the American Academy of Pediatricians, the Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Psychiatric Association. Over 300 individuals and organizations testified against H.B. 68 when it was heard in the House.