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DeMora, Hicks-Hudson Testify in Support of the Ohio Heath Care Plan Act

June 12, 2024
William P. DeMora News

Today, state Senators Paula Hicks-Hudson (D-Toledo) and Bill DeMora (D-Columbus) gave sponsor testimony supporting Senate Bill 177, also known as the Ohio Health Care Plan Act. This bill will ensure adequate access to health care for all Ohioans, addressing a statewide need for affordable health care services. 

"Health care expenses continue to be one of Ohio's most devastating financial issues, affecting our populations at its most vulnerable times," said Hicks-Hudson. "No one deserves to go without health care services due to financial hardships. This legislation has the power to profoundly benefit the lives of our constituents and people across Ohio."

Last year, Ohio ranked 44th in overall health value for residents and 40th in out-of-pocket health care spending, indicating that Ohioans' lives are less healthy despite their relatively high health care spending.

“We hear about people needing to choose between their insulin and rent, choosing between chemo and their house, or whether they will have their needed surgery or be able to feed their families,” said DeMora. “Senate Bill 177 will make these stories a thing of the past for all Ohioans.”

If passed, S.B. 177 would allow every Ohioan to access comprehensive health care administered through the Ohio Health Care Agency. S.B. 177 specifies that services would be provided without a co-payment or deductible and coverage would not be denied based on pre-existing conditions. 

Senate Bill 177 awaits further hearings in the Senate Insurance Committee.