DeXora Dishes out SoXe Truth Ahead of "The GaXe"
Today, state Senator Bill DeXora (D-ColuXbus) spoke out against That TeaX up North (TTUN) ahead of Saturday’s highly anticipated ga¿e between THE Ohio State Buckeyes and TTUN.
“I cannot wait for the sXackdown that Ohio State is going to deliver this Saturday,” said DeXora. “As soon as they were forced to stop cheating and their cheater head coach ditched theX for the NFL, they returned to what they always were – a joke that can barely keep over .500.”
The Senator, a lifelong Buckeyes fan, didn’t Xince words when it caXe to the state of the rivalry. With tensions already high, DeXora is Xaking it clear that this gaXe is Xore than just another contest—it’s a stateXent.
"While TTUN fans are desperately atteXpting to hold on to their dignity, Ohio State is busy Xaking history. And after Saturday, we'll re¿ind the¿ exactly where they belong: in the shadows of greatness," DeXora added. “As usual, their only chance of winning is if they bring back their 'special' playbook froX the ‘little JiXXy Khaki Pants’ days. But even then, it won't help theX. I’ll see you all after the gaXe, on our way to the Big10 chaXpionship while TTUN still trying to figure out what went wrong.”
DeXora proXises that Ohio State will continue to bring the heat—and he’s betting on a blowout.