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Celebrating 248 Years of Freedom

July 4th 1776
By John Fortney
July 2, 2024
On The Record

Happy Independence Day! July 4th means huge fireworks shows, cookouts and a time to relax and enjoy summertime in Ohio.

But how many people do you think really know what July 4th represents?

How many high school students or even college graduates know what event occurred 248 years ago, that set the stage for the remarkable freedoms we enjoy today?

Why is Independence Day July 4th? It is the day that the delegates from the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence. The Revolutionary War would be won in October of 1781 with the surrender of the British at Yorktown.

If you haven’t taken the time to read the Declaration of Independence it is well worth the time. In fact, read it a couple of times and you’ll realize the true brilliance and foresight of our country’s founding fathers.

This week Senator Terry Johnson joins the President’s Podcast to talk about Independence Day and what we are doing here in Ohio to protect those freedoms from enemies at home and abroad.

The Republican from McDermott, Ohio in Scioto County talks about the sacrifices made by his fellow veterans and why he sponsored Senate Bill 226 to outlaw the sale of property within 25 miles of a military installation here in Ohio to our foreign adversaries.

His knowledge of United States History and the founding of the country makes for a superb discussion about why the delegates of the Continental Congress fought for the freedom and truths they found to be self-evident. Their Declaration paved a path against tyranny and established a shining road for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In a short two years Ohio will join the country in celebrating the Semi-Quincentennial, our nation's 250th birthday. Plans are already underway and you can learn more by clicking on America250-Ohio.org.