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Entire Border Security Forum Available For Viewing

See For Yourself Why State and Local Officials Are So Concerned
By The Editors
April 5, 2024
On The Record

The crisis at our Southern Border is causing unprecedented chaos and threats to the quality of life in nearly every state, including Ohio.

State Senator Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland) hosted the Border INsecurity forum in Independence, Ohio, on March 27. The forum was a search for solutions that included law enforcement officers, mayors, prosecutors, and other local leaders. These men and women discussed the dire consequences the wide open Southern Border has on our neighborhoods here in Ohio.

Criminal cartels are trafficking illegal drugs, guns, and even people across the border and into our communities, fueling crime and threatening your safety and security. Law enforcement officers are doing their best to curtail the crisis while the federal government does nothing but enable and encourage the carnage.

Senator Cirino, Attorney General Dave Yost, and other leaders from Northeast Ohio described the ramifications of the wide open border and the problems Ohio faces as a result, and discussed potential solutions at the state level to combat the crisis the best we can.

Watch the entire forum here.