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Former Secretary of State Reveals True Agenda of Dark Money Funded Redistricting Campaign

Ken Blackwell Joins President's Podcast Targeting Effort Behind Gerrymandering Plan
By John Fortney
September 11, 2024
On The Record

The ridiculous rhetoric and attacks on Secretary of State Frank LaRose reached a near hysteria following the vote by the Ohio Ballot Board to describe the Political Outcomes Over People campaign, otherwise known as Citizens Not Politicians, as an effort to gerrymander Ohio’s political districts by repealing the anti-gerrymandering provisions that upwards of 75% of the voters approved in 2018 and 70% in 2015.

Two term Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who also was also elected Ohio Treasurer and served as the Mayor of Cincinnati, joins the President’s Podcast this week to push back on the outrageous rhetoric directed at Secretary LaRose.

Read his recent column in the Columbus Dispatch blasting the editorial boards and baseless attacks on Secretary LaRose.

This week, a group of black lawmakers from Ohio and Michigan held a news conference, highlighting the damage that will be done to black representation by the plan which is very similar to the Voters Not Politicians so-called citizens panel in Michigan. A federal court ruled that the panel violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Voting Rights Act, because the panel drew the maps based solely on race. For the first time in 70 years, the city of Detroit, does not have an African American representing it in Congress.

The consequences of that plan, much like the Ohio plan, come with a steep cost to minority communities. Proportionality requires compact districts and communities of interest to be stretched into the suburbs and even farther into rural areas. The results eliminate black lawmakers and instead elect progressive left candidates from the suburbs.

Sherry Gay-Dagnogo, who served as a Michigan state representative was quoted as saying, “They cut Detroit up into 22 pieces.” She went onto to say that she, “will never turn my back on the black community and tell them that poison is good for you, this is poison. Issue 1 is poison because it will diminish and take away black leadership”

Read more in this report from the Toledo Blade.

One of the most disturbing facts behind the campaign, is who is funding it. We have dug deep into this, writing multiple reports about the D.C. Swamp that is backing this far left, foreign funded, dark money power grab.  Ken Blackwell understands the dangers of today’s progressive left which controls the Democratic Party. He serves as a Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance with the Family Research Council, which has been vilified by those same far left groups for simply daring to put American values and family first. Say it isn’t so! What a radical concept.

Secretary Blackwell talks about the three objectives of the campaign. Fixed outcomes through gerrymandered proportionality. Zero accountability to the voters through an unaccountable, insulated 4th branch of government operating under the cloak of a citizens panel. And he points out the true attack on democracy this campaign represents, in overturning the will of more than 70% of Ohioans who approved the current process that produced maps with a unanimous, bipartisan vote last year.

That is a simple fact that the campaign, the editorial boards and the D.C. Deep State all conveniently overlook. Thanks for tuning into the President’s Podcast.