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President Huffman Highlights Funding for Historic Boys and Girls Club in Lima

Capital Budget Provides Critical Renovation Funds for Local Community Center
By The Editors
July 12, 2024
On The Record

Senate President Matt Huffman joined the announcement of a new Boys and Girls Club location at Bradfield Community Center in Lima. Watch our story from the event.

The Community Center received $480,000 from House Bill 2, the state's Capital Budget bill, for major renovations to recreation facilities, including its gymnasium, fitness and exercise rooms, and 2nd-floor classroom and game room, to support programming that benefits Lima. 

These critical dollars specifically came from the One-Time Strategic Community Investment Fund (OTSCIF), which included $700 million for meaningful projects throughout Ohio. 

"Investing in our next generation is the most important mission we have, and the addition of the Boys and Girls Club to Lima will make a difference in the future of our kids and community for a lifetime," President Huffman said. "Our children will receive great opportunities to succeed. The funds from House Bill 2 will allow the Bradfield Community Center to offer new programs like this and keep serving all Lima residents well."

The Bradfield Community Center has stood as a community pillar for 86 years, providing recreational opportunities for Lima’s African-American community, as well as programs and activities that encourage personal development and growth.

"I remember coming to the Bradfield and experiencing what this place means to the neighborhood," said President Huffman. “Countless other children will have that and receive the support they need to succeed through this new collaboration."

The partnership between the Boys and Girls Club of NE Indiana and the Bradfield Community Center will provide after-school programming to children 6 to 18 years old. The new Club will focus on mentorship and youth programs that develop their academic success, health, character, and leadership skills.

The new Boys and Girls Club is expected to open in the fall and serve 200 children annually.