Saving Democracy - The Red State Mandate from Ohio Voters

If you were disappointed by the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight that didn’t live up to the promotion, we are back in the ring this week with two political heavy hitters who pull no punches on the President’s Podcast.
The former co-chair of the Republican National Committee, former chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, and friend and advisor of President Trump, Bob Paduchik, joins the podcast to talk about the mandate Ohio voters delivered on Election Night.
He’s joined by election law attorney and nationally respected redistricting expert Frank Strigari, as they analyze the knockout Ohio voters delivered to the $37 million, out-of-state funded, political power grab called Issue 1.
They also talk about the black eye left on the media, after every major newspaper endorsed Issue 1. Editorial boards turned a blind eye to Issue 1's out-of-state contributors looking to buy their way into the Ohio Constitution.
Paduchik and Strigari raise important questions about not only who funded the campaign but also who fronted the campaign.
Oddly, the media, deep state operatives, and Democrats don’t seem fazed by their election night knockout.
These same far left D.C. lawyers were back at the Ohio Statehouse this week, arguing for the next political power grab that is ironically called the "Voters Bill of Rights." Unfortunately, it’s a bill of goods, that, just like Issue 1, is designed to remove the voice of the voter and undermine Ohio’s election integrity.
You’ll love the discussion that covers the Trump-Vance landslide win, as well as the importance of having the next Vice President of the United States being from Ohio on this week's President's Podcast.