The $40 Million "Not My Fault" Tour
It must really hurt when one’s legal ego is so large that a law library would need to create a new section under cognitive dissonance to record such a level of disconnect with the people of Ohio.
Former Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Maureen O’Connor, penned an editorial for the Columbus Dispatch whining that the eight-point defeat of Issue 1, the secretly funded $40 million out-of-state driven dark money campaign, was really a “reaffirmation by the voters that they hate gerrymandering.”
Um, no. The voters rejected the fact that 99.7% of this $40 million campaign was financed outside of Ohio, amounting to nothing more than a progressive power grab by coastal and Washington, D.C. elites, who hired a former chief justice whose redistricting rulings were scorned by two federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, to be the face of their attempt to disenfranchise millions of Ohio voters with an unelected and unaccountable panel of, you guessed it, retired politicians just like her.
As Senate President Matt Huffman pointed out on a recent President's Podcast, O'Connor's campaign spent five times more money, but because it wasn't a bipartisan, or a grassroots effort, it failed.
Her editorial, much like her opinions, were heavy on blaming everyone who followed the law, instead of making it up as you go along, which is what a federal three-judge panel told her she was doing.
O’Connor blamed Secretary of State Frank LaRose and Senator Theresa Gavarone, accusing them of colluding with the opposition campaign.
Secretary LaRose responded on X by complimenting this column and posting this statement.
"It's almost sad to see a once esteemed jurist continue to destroy her own legacy by desperately lashing out (at the behest of the liberal dark-money groups who poured millions into Issue1) after being reject by Ohio voters."
Doubling down on her tirade, O'Connor had the audacity to say, “Nonetheless, a narrow, partisan majority of the court upheld the language in a decision that was panned by nearly every commentator and editorial board in the state.”
Funny, did she forget about all those narrow 4-3 majority opinions led by her and her liberal flunkies on the court? The very same 4-3 opinions that were panned by the federal benches.
Oh, and she, like today’s radical left, still live in a world of delusion, clinging to their big government cancel culture of condescension. Election night was a landslide win for the people of Ohio and for the country. Ohio voters rejected the left, the national media, and every editorial board in the state, soundly defeating Issue 1 and electing Donald Trump and Ohioan J.D. Vance to run the country. Then, with a master class finishing touch, Ohio voters rejected her gerrymandering narrative by electing three Republicans to the Ohio Supreme Court.
A reasonable question for O’Connor’s final letter of scorn would be: Did your foreign and out-of-state financiers force you to write the “it’s not our fault” column based on the millions of dollars they paid you to sell out the people of Ohio? That’s a question that the corporate media doesn’t want to ask for some reason.
Bob Paduchik, former Co-Chair of the RNC, who also served as the chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, called for an investigation into the role of the former Chief Justice on a recent President’s Podcast. Why? Well, in her first redistricting opinion, Maureen O’Connor suggested the voters consider repealing the current system that they passed by 70% in 2015 and 75% in 2018.
Let’s connect the dots. The Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice suggests that voters repeal the current system, repeatedly rules against new maps, and then somehow is chosen to be the face of a multi-million dollar gerrymandering power grab by her dark money overlords.
“Two short years later, she’s leading the $40 million campaign to put Issue 1 on the ballot. I don’t know how much money she made off of that, I don’t know what they paid her, we saw her face on every single commercial they had, but somebody ought to investigate this because there is a pattern here that looks almost like a conspiracy,” said Paduchik.
Today’s editorial boards should ask O’Connor about that.
They can start by reading just one of our multiple stories about Issue 1.
This should help. "Yes O'Connor is the Democrats Puppet."
That is the real collusion of the Issue 1 campaign.