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The Historic Special Session and Key Bills Awaiting Approval

Senator Jerry Cirino Joins the President's Podcast
By John Fortney
June 7, 2024
On The Record

An historic special session highlighted an action of last resort as Governor DeWine used the power conveyed under Article III, Section 8 of The Ohio Constitution to convene a Special Session of the Ohio General Assembly. This was brought on by a lack of action by the House of Representatives to outlaw foreign contributions funding ballot initiatives targeting the Ohio Constitution while also relaxing the filing deadline to help the Biden campaign qualify for the November ballot.

Following two sessions, one on Tuesday and the final session on Friday of last week, the Senate acted once again to pass legislation answering both issues. Both chambers passed two separate bills addressing the Biden problem and foreign funding separately. Problem solved.

In case you missed it, catch Senator Rob McColley’s Podcast at the end of the special session that finally turned his bill outlawing foreign contributions in ballot campaigns into state law.

However, there is still significant legislation waiting in the House for a floor vote.  This week Senator Jerry Cirino, R-Kirtland, joins the President’s Podcast to talk about being part of the historic special session.  Watch him deliver his floor speech along with other Republican members as they respond to the allegations made by Democrats on the Senate floor.

Senator Cirino also talks about why his bill reforming higher education, SB 83, has yet to make the agenda for a floor vote in the House, despite being approved by the House Committee on Higher Education.

We look at the current campus culture which includes a disturbing endorsement from terror group Al Qaeda and the Ayatollah of Iran that supports student led campus protests against Israel. This raises a couple fundamental questions? What are students learning on our college campuses and who exactly is indoctrinating them?