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Trump and Ramaswamy Blast Issue 1 as Early Voting Begins - Gerrymandering Campaign Panics

Voters Realizing What the Issue 1 Gerrymander Really Represents
By John Fortney
October 9, 2024
On The Record

As early voting begins this week, Ohioans are realizing the danger of Issue 1.

President Trump blasted the secretly funded $26 million out-of-state progressive left power grab that subtracts all the anti-gerrymandering protections passed by 75% of the voters.

Ohioan, and former presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy released a strong statement about Issue 1, highlighting how it creates an unaccountable fourth branch of government that removes voters from the process.

The entire campaign is founded on proportionality, and effectively creates an untouchable and unaccountable fourth branch of government that is insulated from the people.

This flawed concept fronted by discredited former Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor assigns a fixed percentage of districts for Republicans and Democrats from the very start of the process. That fixed percentage is called gerrymandering.

It removes the reason for any races, campaigns, or motivation for the voters to even bother casting a ballot. That's because the districts are drawn Democrat or Republican based on a fixed percentage.

You'll hear the "Political Outcomes Over People" campaign whine about a super-majority legislature, as they suggest the overall breakdown of Republican wins versus Democrats is really 54% to 46%.

This is based on a mish mash of multiple state and national races, which is then improperly and illogically applied to the state as a gerrymandering template for reliably fixed outcomes. That is exactly what the progressive left power grab wants. Or do they?

To demonstrate how godawful this gerrymandering formula is, let's run with that flawed logic coming from the Wile E. Coyote super-geniuses calling the plays from the D.C. Swamp for their billionaire dark money friends.

Hypothetically, let’s apply that standard to the next two big elections.

November 2024 and November 2026.

This fall, let’s say President Trump carries Ohio, Bernie Moreno defeats long time swamp monster Senator Sherrod Brown, and of course Republicans finish strong.

Then in 2026, Republicans again sweep every statewide executive office, from Governor to Attorney General, Auditor, Secretary of State and Treasurer.

That proportionality concept that the O’Connor Issue Campaign 1 is selling you as their concept of fairness; will create crocodile tears for liberals with the next round of map drawing.

They’ll scream and sob that they could not possibly, based on their own rules, grant Republicans 85% to 90% of all the seats in the General Assembly and Congress. The horrific irony of their fate sets in, as their own proportional gerrymandering Frankenstein swamp monster surfaces and pulls them down into the murky darkness of their own making.

What do you think they’ll say then about fairness? They’ll disavow their own gerrymander and blame Republicans and, of course, the voters. 

Fortunately, voters know better; and will stop their Nightmare on O'Connor Street.

We are seeing a level of desperation in the media and from the League of Liberal Disinformation, aka League of Women Voters, which was complaining about Ohio's compact congressional districts. Here is what I told the Columbus Dispatch.

The Political Outcomes Over People campaign must be getting desperate if the League of Liberal Disinformation is throwing a tantrum about districts its far left secretly funded friends don’t like. The U.S. Supreme Court vacated the O’Connor majority’s opinion on Ohio’s Congressional map, and suggested she and her colleagues reconsider their flawed opinion by using the Constitution of the United States. The League doesn’t want to be truthful about the sprawling spoke and wheel districts that Issue 1’s proportionality based gerrymander would create. Today’s Congressional map reflects the most compact communities of interest in the history of Ohio, through the voter approved process that outlaws unlimited splits of communities unlike Issue 1.  Every major city in Ohio, with the exception of Columbus, because its population exceeds the district population requirement,  is contained within a single Congressional District. Issue 1 would slice and dice districts multiple times, much like Detroit was divided more than 20 times by its so called citizens panel.”

In case you missed it, watch our President’s Podcast featuring Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Senator Theresa Gavarone, Governor Mike DeWine, Senator Rob McColley and Senate President Matt Huffman. They blast the discriminatory nature of the campaign which dilutes the voice of minority voters, undermines the long established standard of one person one vote, and places gerrymandering into the Ohio’s founding document.

Next week, we have a special President’s Podcast featuring Ohio’s Black lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats who may disagree on public policy, but all agree that Issue 1 is a gerrymandering disaster for Ohio, especially for minority voters.