Columbus Dispatch: Opinion: Issue 1 will help Black Ohioans not hurt them. Don't believe republican lies.

"As a Black legislative leader, a veteran, and a staunch housing advocate, I am disappointed at how the Republican majority is attempting to deceive voters about Issue 1 instead of passing legislation that helps Ohioans.
In simple terms, voting yes on Issue 1 would eliminate gerrymandering by removing politicians from the mapmaking process and allowing a commission of 15 citizens — five Republicans, five Democrats, and five Independents — to control how legislative and congressional districts are drawn in the state of Ohio.
In a recent press conference, Issue 1 opponents stated this amendment would disenfranchise minority voters and diminish their ability to elect their preferred candidates, which is blatantly untrue. It is evident that our current system does not work. The previous maps, drawn by politicians, were deemed unconstitutional seven times by the Ohio Supreme Court. It is imperative that we reform the current mapmaking process to ensure fairness and transparency for the benefit of all Ohioans.
Opponents of Issue 1 have falsely claimed that the proposed amendment would hurt Black voters, but research shows us the opposite. Historically, minority communities have been disproportionately impacted and underrepresented as a result of gerrymandering. Issue 1 would increase political engagement among Black and minority voters, provide opportunities to actively participate in the redistricting process, and ensure that their votes have a meaningful impact and their voices are heard in the legislative process. In fact, Issue 1 has been endorsed by major civil rights organizations in Ohio, including the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus, the Ohio Conference NAACP, the Ohio Unity Coalition, and more.
With so many critical issues facing our state, our focus must be aimed at bettering the lives of Ohioans. There are many important bipartisan bills that would provide property tax relief, address health issues, and increase access to safe and affordable housing, but they are stalled in the legislature with no progress in sight. For example, Senate Bill 271 would enact a refundable tax credit to homeowners and renters whose property taxes are more than 5% of their income. Additionally, Senate Bill 61 aims to cap insulin prices for diabetics at $35 per month, and Senate Bill 249 would provide grants to qualifying applicants for mortgage, property tax, and utility aid. These bills have the potential to significantly improve the lives of thousands of Ohioans if enacted, and these are just a few examples. I believe that Issue 1 would create a more representative legislature that would provide an opportunity to more expediently and effectively pass important bipartisan legislation.
Every Ohioan's voice deserves to be heard. Ohio families are depending on us to address the issues that matter most to them. I will be voting "yes" on Issue 1 to ban gerrymandering and safeguard a representative legislature because the future of our state depends on it."
Read the full column via The Columbus Dispatch.