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The Governor's official disapproval of an act. A veto must occur within ten days, Sundays excepted, of receipt of the act. A vetoed act must be returned to the house in which it originated accompanied by the Governor's written objections.
The Governor's disapproval of an item or items in an appropriation act. Those provisions of the act that are not vetoed become law. The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an "item" must be separate and distinct from other provisions of the bill.
The option available to the General Assembly to re-pass a bill after the Governor has vetoed it. The Ohio Constitution requires a 3/5 vote of each house (or 2/3 in certain instances) to override a veto. Action to override a veto must commence in the bill's house of origin.
A method of voting by which members indicate approval or disapproval of a measure by saying "yea" or "nay." The presiding officer determines from the yeas and nays which side prevails. A voice vote is slightly different from a roll call vote because votes are not counted on an individual basis.