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Require state higher ed provide financial cost and aid disclosure

[ Show Long Title ]
To amend sections 5101.192, 5101.193, 5101.194, and to enact section 3345.026 of the Revised Code and to amend Sections 307.10 and 307.140 of H.B. 33 of the 135th General Assembly to amend the versions of sections 5101.193 and 5101.194 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, to continue the changes on and after that date, to require state institutions of higher education to provide financial cost and aid disclosure forms, to make an appropriation for the Adoption Grant Program, and to make certain capital appropriations and reappropriations for the biennium ending June 30, 2026.

Current Version

As Passed by the Senate PDF

Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Checked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Checked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Checked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Checked Passed By Senate
Sent To The Governor Unchecked Sent To The Governor

