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House Bill 29

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Regards driver's license suspensions-failure to pay child support

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To amend sections 1901.44, 1905.202, 1907.25, 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.041, 2925.05, 2925.06, 2925.11, 2925.12, 2925.13, 2925.14, 2925.22, 2925.23, 2925.31, 2925.32, 2925.36, 2925.37, 2935.26, 2935.27, 2937.40, 2947.09, 3123.54, 3123.56, 3123.58, 3321.13, 3321.191, 4501.06, 4503.10, 4503.102, 4503.12, 4503.20, 4503.39, 4507.212, 4509.101, 4509.45, 4509.66, 4509.67, 4509.69, 4509.77, 4510.101, 4510.111, 4510.16, 4510.17, 4510.22, 4511.62, 4511.63, and 4511.64; to enact section 2929.33; and to repeal sections 2937.221 and 4510.32 of the Revised Code to make changes to the laws governing driver's license suspensions and to the laws governing penalties for failure to provide proof of financial responsibility.

Current Version

As Enrolled PDF

Effective Date

April 9, 2025

Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Checked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Checked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Checked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Checked Passed By Senate
Signed By The Governor Checked Signed By The Governor



Primary Sponsors

Latyna M. Humphrey
Darnell T. Brewer


Nickie J. Antonio
Louis W. Blessing, III
Jerry C. Cirino
Hearcel F. Craig
Al Cutrona
William P. DeMora
Theresa Gavarone
Catherine D. Ingram
Terry Johnson
George F. Lang
Nathan H. Manning
Bill Reineke
Michele Reynolds
Kent Smith
Vernon Sykes
Shane Wilkin
Munira Abdullahi
Cindy Abrams
Rachel B. Baker
Willis E. Blackshear, Jr.
Sean P. Brennan
Juanita O. Brent
Richard D. Brown
Sara P. Carruthers
Gary Click
Rodney Creech
Richard Dell'Aquila
Sedrick Denson
Dave Dobos
Jay Edwards
Elliot Forhan
Michele Grim
Brett Hudson Hillyer
Dani Isaacsohn
Mark Johnson
Don Jones
Mary Lightbody
Beth Liston
Mike Loychik
Adam Mathews
Lauren McNally
Adam C. Miller
Joseph A. Miller, III
Ismail Mohamed
Scott Oelslager
Gail K. Pavliga
Phil Plummer
C. Allison Russo
Bill Seitz
Michael J. Skindell
Anita Somani
Brian Stewart
D. J. Swearingen
Cecil Thomas
Terrence Upchurch
Casey Weinstein
Josh Williams