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Senate Bill 154
Return To SearchInclude Space Force in armed forces, armed and uniformed service
To amend sections 122.925, 124.23, 145.30, 742.52, 742.521, 2151.4210, 3307.75, 3309.02, 3313.471, 3319.085, 3511.01, 4731.36, 4743.041, 5505.16, 5747.01, 5903.01, 5903.02, 5907.01, 5907.04, and 5910.01 of the Revised Code to include Space Force in the definition of the armed forces, armed services, and uniformed services of the United States.
Current Version
Introduced In House
In House Committee
Reported By Committee
Passed By House
Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate
Primary Sponsors
Kirk Schuring