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Senate Bill 158 Committee Activity

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Senate Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
General Government September 20, 2023 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Senator Cirino Sponsor Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
General Government September 26, 2023 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Marty McGann Greater Cleveland Partnership Proponent Download
Matt Szollosi ACT Ohio Proponent Download
Greg Lawson The Buckeye Institute Interested Party Download
Evan O'Reilly Peoples Budget Cleveland Opponent Download
Molly Martin Peoples Budget Cleveland Opponent Download
Robin Brown Collective Citizens Organized Against Lead Opponent Download
Douglas Horner Self Opponent Download
Kent Scarrett Ohio Municipal League Opponent Download
Caleb Howard Self Opponent Download
Randy Cunningham Self Opponent Download
Charlesretta Wynn Self Opponent Download
James Misak Self Opponent Download
Brian Houlehan Self Opponent Download
Ed George Self Opponent Download
Spencer Wells Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing Opponent Download
Adam Bresnahan Self Opponent Download
Willow Watson Peoples Budget Cleveland Opponent Download
Stephanie Morrison-Hrbek Self Opponent Download
Laura McShane Self Opponent Download
Kristie Ganobsik Self Opponent Download
Elaine Schleiffer REACH Opponent Download
Chris Martin Self Opponent Download
Craig Ickler Self Opponent Download
Colleen Boyd Self Opponent Download
Richard Barga Self Opponent Download
Grace Heffernan Self Opponent Download
Tanmay Shah Self Opponent Download
John Richard Self Opponent Download
Zeyd Khan Self Opponent Download
Trevor Pollack Self Opponent Download
Ryan Puente City of Cleveland Opponent Download
Marge Misak Self Opponent Download
Christopher Knestrick Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless Opponent Download
Rick Carfagna Ohio Chamber of Commerce Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
General Government September 27, 2023 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Keary McCarthy Ohio Mayors Alliance Opponent Download

House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight October 3, 2023 Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Sen. Jerry Cirino Ohio Senate Proponent Download
Greg R. Lawson The Buckeye Institute Proponent Download
Matthew Szollosi ACT Ohio Proponent Download
Marty McGann Greater Cleveland Partnership Proponent Download
Rick Carfagna Ohio Chamber of Commerce Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Government Oversight October 10, 2023 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Molly Martin People's Budget Cleveland Opponent Download
Evan O'Reilly People's Budget Cleveland Opponent Download
Jonathan Welle Opponent Download
Colleen Boyd Opponent Download
Collin Cunningham Opponent Download
Jenna Kenney Opponent Download
Christian Omar Medina (Bishop Omar Medina) Opponent Download
John Jackson Opponent Download
Emily Terry Opponent Download
Elizabeth Crews The Participatory Budgeting Project Opponent Download
Keary McCarthy Ohio Mayors Alliance Opponent Download
Tasmone Taylor Opponent Download
Roberta Cleveland Opponent Download
Nicholas Ngong People's Budget Cleveland Opponent Download
Linda Howard Opponent Download
Stacey Little Opponent Download
Morgan Bulger Opponent Download
Laura Cyrocki Opponent Download
Gregory Gardner Opponent Download
Lashawn Ajamu Opponent Download
Elaine Schleiffer Opponent Download
Chantal Dothey Opponent Download
Craig Ickler Opponent Download
Charlesretta Wynn Opponent Download
Edward George Opponent Download
Christopher Martin Opponent Download
Steve Charron Opponent Download
David Margolius Opponent Download
Richard Barga Opponent Download
Spencer Wells Cloeveland Lead Action for Safe Housing Opponent Download
Willow Watson Opponent Download
Tanmay Shah Opponent Download
Stephanie Hrbek Opponent Download
John-Paul Richard Opponent Download
Laura McShane Opponent Download
Christopher Knextrick Opponent Download
Brain Houlehan Opponent Download
Grace Heffernan Opponent Download
Douglas Horner Opponent Download
Kristie Ganobsik Opponent Download
Adam Bresnahn Opponent Download
Randy Cunningham Opponent Download
Ryan Puente City of Cleveland Opponent Download
Kayla Griffin Ceveland NAACP Opponent Download
Trevor Pollack Opponent Download
Steffanie Sanchez Opponent Download
Ronald Crosby Opponent Download
Melinda Dang Opponent Download
Margaret Misak Opponent Download
Kimberly Studmire Opponent Download
James Misak Opponent Download
Chelsie Van Norstran Opponent Download
Angela Lin Opponent Download
Erric Taylor Opponent Download
Karis Tzendg Opponent Download
Seanna Jackson Opponent Download
Amanda Metcalf Opponent Download
Jeremy Jordon Opponent Download