Senate Bill 76
Return To SearchLevy a tax on certain high-volume landlords
To amend sections 113.061, 131.02, 319.202, 715.013, 4303.26, 5703.052, 5703.053, 5703.19, 5703.263, 5703.50, 5703.70, 5703.77, 5703.90, 5725.26, and 5751.051 and to enact sections 5747.081, 5755.01, 5755.011, 5755.02, 5755.03, 5755.04, 5755.05, 5755.051, 5755.052, 5755.06, 5755.07, and 5755.99 of the Revised Code to levy a tax on certain high-volume landlords.
Current Version

Senate Ways and Means Committee
Primary Sponsors
Louis W. Blessing, III
Nickie J. Antonio
Hearcel F. Craig
Paula Hicks-Hudson
Catherine D. Ingram