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Reineke Statement on Pending Education Lawsuit

September 22, 2023
Bill Reineke News

COLUMBUS—State Senator Bill Reineke (R-Tiffin) made the following statement regarding the lawsuit stalling crucial changes to Ohio's education system:

Ridiculous!  The very people who have failed our children are taking us to court to reverse our improvements to Ohio’s education system.
The lawsuit challenging the implementation of Senate Bill 1 is distracting from necessary change. Look at the latest education statistics showing how far our students are falling behind. This is detrimental to their future. At this rate, the next generation of Ohioans will not be prepared for today’s jobs and the workforce needs of the future. We used to talk about the enormous career changes technology would cause in the next 10 years – now that’s just 2 to 5 years away. Complacency is not an option. 
Senate Bill 1 was in direct response to local feedback on serious issues in my home county of Seneca. Constituents continuously reported on education failures, the lack of options for job training, shortcomings in work-study programs, and the need to adopt schedules helping each student find their own purpose.
This dialogue began more than six years ago and became a thoughtfully crafted plan. It was hardly dreamed up overnight, as claimed by the litigants. We need this new structure and we need it now! This is no time to return to the failed formula. The status quo will only keep our kids trapped in a failing system. They deserve positive change and the opportunity for a bright future – and they need it now!