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Senator Blessing Issues Statement on Antitrust Lawsuit Against RealPage

August 23, 2024
Louis W. Blessing, III News

COLUMBUS— Senator Louis W. Blessing, III (R-Colerain Township) issued the following statement regarding the announcement from the Department of Justice to file an antitrust lawsuit against RealPage.

"I applaud the Department of Justice in its efforts to address RealPage. I have been advocating for this for quite some time at the state level, including a resolution urging the attorney general to file suit. Moreover, I'm working on legislation to update Ohio's Valentine Act to clarify that price-fixing by algorithm is still price-fixing. Colluding to increase prices, particularly rents, harms consumers, businesses, and the Ohio economy. Adding more housing supply is vital, but competition is also necessary to drive down rents. Ohioans need protection from the digital smoke-filled room."

In June, Senator Blessing introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 12. The resolution urges the attorney general to file an anti-trust lawsuit against RealPage Incorporated regarding the rental housing market. The corporation provides property management software to rental property operators in Ohio. RealPage is currently being sued by several states for allegedly conspiring to illegally raise rent prices.

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