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Dolan Introduces Wind Energy Bill to Promote Economic Growth

December 5, 2017
Matt Dolan News
COLUMBUS—State Senator Matt Dolan (R-Chagrin Falls) today introduced legislation that will return the minimum setback requirements for turbines on wind farms.

"This bill continues the effort to return the wind setback requirements to a distance that encourages the development of wind energy in the state,” said Senator Dolan. “By choosing to promote alternative energy sources as part of our state’s energy portfolio, businesses will choose to locate in Ohio.”

The bill defines the minimum setback requirements for turbines on wind farms with at least five megawatts of generating capacity. Senate Bill 238 increases the distance requirement from the turbine's base to the wind farm property line and returns the requirement of siting the turbine at a minimum of 1,225 feet from the tip of the turbine's nearest blade at 90? to the exterior of the nearest residential structure.

“These wind farms are economically significant to Ohio,” Dolan added.

Local control remains a crucial aspect of this bill as well, by allowing county commissioners to approve construction on a project-by-project basis or declare the entire county an alternative energy zone, which qualifies all projects.

“I want to highlight that Ohio counties currently can accept or reject the existence of wind farms. The locals will have the ability to decide what is in the best interest of their community,” said Dolan. “The benefits and burdens, just like any industry, have been and will continue to be debated at the local level.