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Dolan Sends Letter Urging Congressional Leaders to Investigate Assassination Attempt 

Dolan Sends Letter Urging Congressional Leaders to Investigate Assassination Attempt 
July 15, 2024
Matt Dolan News

July 15, 2024


To:       Speaker Mike Johnson

            568 Cannon House Office Building 

           Washington, D.C. 20515


          Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies

          2433 Rayburn House Office Building

          Washington, D.C. 20515


         Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

         322 Hart Senate Office Building

         Washington, D.C. 20510


       Minority Leader Mitch McConnell 

       317 Russell Senate Office Building 

       Washington, D.C. 20510


Our nation mourns a horrific day in our history.  We thank God for the health and survival of President Trump while we grieve fellow Americans who have lost life and health simply for exercising their rights. This attack on a former president and a major party nominee on the eve of his formal nomination demands a thorough, unbiased investigation, free from the shackles of political rhetoric and partisanship.

I believe you gentlemen – the most senior elected leaders in the Congress – are the key from preventing our sadness from turning into anger. We must turn the temperature down. This is a time for unity, better angels and a demonstration of the resilience our democracy.  You, along with your respective conferences, must not allow the events of July 13 to devolve into a political rallying cry for either political party.

The American people demand answers to what happened on Saturday evening. There are questions surrounding the preparation that went into the assassination attempt, to the shooters background and apparent violations of Secret Service protocol. All aspects of the tragedy we must have open congressional hearings free from political theater and blame. We must prioritize the safety of our public figures and the trust of the American people over any political gain.

I ask of you to commence bipartisan hearings that include experienced, trained and knowledgeable investigators and law enforcement officials to take the lead by asking substantive, fact-based questions of the witnesses. Sadly, recent congressional hearings have amounted to little more than political grandstanding, with both party's purpose to score political points for purposes of social media, fundraising and support for upcoming elections.  Theatrics, disguised as questions, achieve little more than confirming a preconceived position and bias of the member.  These statements lead to further divide and anger throughout the country, yet questions remain unanswered.

An unspeakable assault on our democracy was committed on July 13, 2024.  The facts of this crime must be known, free from political fear or favor, by all of us. You must work together, to reject conspiracy theories, partisan agendas or statements for purposes of political gain to dominate the discussion. Your fellow citizens demand it. 

I urge you to support this call for bipartisan hearings and to work together with your colleagues to eliminate the opportunity to exploit this tragedy for political purposes rather ensure justice is served and we uphold the principles of our democracy.


Senator Matt Dolan

Ohio Senate District 24

Read the full letter here