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Ohio Senate Leadership Introduces New Legislative Map Proposal

September 9, 2021
Matt Huffman News
COLUMBUS— Today, new maps for Ohio’s 132 state legislative districts were introduced to the seven-member Ohio Redistricting Commission. Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman (R-Lima), who serves on the Commission, complimented the dedication and long hours that went into completing the proposed maps. “These new maps for the Ohio General Assembly are constitutional and compliant with Ohio law,” said Huffman. “I’m optimistic the Commission will consider these maps as a lawful and reliable path forward for the next decade.” The effort complies with the constitutional amendment, overwhelmingly passed by voters in 2015, that changed how Ohio’s 99 House and 33 Senate districts are drawn by the Ohio Redistricting Commission. The process was complicated by the pandemic which significantly delayed U.S. Census data used for drawing new district maps for both the Ohio House and Ohio Senate. “This is a difficult assignment to complete during a normal year, but with delayed census data, it became a monumental task,” said Huffman. “We look forward to both continued discussions with commission members and ongoing public input, as the deadline to approve the new map proposals approaches.” The Commission voted to accept the maps, as the working documents, and scheduled three public hearings for public comment on the maps before voting on a final version by September 15th. To learn more about the Ohio Redistricting Commission, view the map proposals and hearing dates click here.