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Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman Statement Regarding Health Order Oversight Bill Headed to Governor

March 10, 2021
Matt Huffman News
COLUMBUS—Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman (R-Lima) today announced the Senate approved the finalized changes to Senate Bill 22 passed by the Ohio House of Representatives. The bill provides legislative oversight to health orders issued by the executive branch.

“Thirty states have this type of oversight in place. The General Assembly truly represents the voice of the people from district to district and town to town," said President Huffman. "The Governor’s office can still issue health orders during times of emergency. This simply puts the people at the table to not only monitor but also be part of the process.”

Huffman said if the bill is vetoed, he would schedule a veto override vote for the next session.

Senate Bill 22 passed the Senate with a veto proof 25-8 supermajority, 20 votes are needed to override a veto from the executive branch.

For more information on Senate Bill 22, click here.