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President Huffman Announces Passage of Legislative Oversight of Health Orders

February 18, 2021
Matt Huffman News
COLUMBUS—Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman (R-Lima) announced passage of Senate Bill 22, providing critical legislative oversight of orders issued by the Ohio Department of Health. Senate Bill 22 will establish the bi-partisan, bicameral Ohio Health Oversight and Advisory Committee. The Committee would provide legislative oversight regarding actions taken by the Governor and the Ohio Department of Health during a statewide public health emergency. "The bill is simply designed to allow legislative input," said President Huffman. "The General Assembly truly represents the voice of the people, district to district and town to town across Ohio. It is imperative that the people have a voice as to how health emergencies are handled.”

The bill also permits the General Assembly to adopt a resolution to terminate a public health state of emergency after thirty days, and may rescind a related executive order or rule eleven days after the initial emergency declaration is made. If a health order is rescinded, it may not be reissued for thirty days.

“The simple fact is that most states have provisions like this, where legislatures can act after a certain period of time to end an emergency. And it’s frankly just a historical anomaly that Ohio doesn’t," added Huffman.

Senate Bill 22 will now be sent to the Ohio House for consideration.