Ohio Black Leaders Urge No Vote on Issue 1

COLUMBUS-State Senator Michele Reynolds (R-Canal Winchester) hosted a bipartisan press conference on the dangers of Issue 1 for minority communities, specifically how the measure will dilute and disenfranchise the voices of Black voters.
"Issue 1 is founded in the concept of proportionality, which is just another term for gerrymandering," Reynolds said. "Unfortunately Issue 1 is going to 'level the playing field' at the expense of minority communities, specifically the Black community."
The press conference featured insights from former Representative John Barnes, Democrat from Cleveland; former Chair of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Rebecca Szetela; Farxaan Jeyte, a Columbus-area community leader; and Tahgi Turner, a student from Cleveland State University.
Watch the highlights here.
You can find the full press conference on the Ohio Channel.