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Michele Reynolds Legislation

Primary Sponsored Bills

Bill Title
S. B. No. 13 Establish the Foster-to-College Scholarship Program
S. B. No. 14 Designate Speaker Jo Ann Davidson Day
S. B. No. 17 Designate 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion Day
S. B. No. 18 Designate Cardiovascular Health Awareness Day
S. B. No. 32 Establish the Child Care Cred Program
S. B. No. 35 Regards supported decision-making for certain disabled adults
S. B. No. 41 Designate Day of Tears
S. B. No. 42 Authorize residential stability zones with property tax exemption
S. B. No. 58 Expand eligibility: grandparent POA, caretaker affidavits
S. B. No. 83 Revise eviction, code enforcement, and real property transfer law
S. B. No. 95 Designate Chief of Police James G. Jackson Memorial Highway
S. B. No. 105 Enact Alyssa's Law
S. B. No. 112 Establish appointment procedures for constitutional convention

Cosponsored Bills

Bill Title
S. B. No. 6 Revise building inspection law
S. B. No. 20 Designate Ohio Stroke Awareness Week
S. B. No. 21 Designate Rutherford B. Hayes Day
S. B. No. 39 Provide for informational poster on veteran benefits and services
S. B. No. 56 Revise medical and adult-use marijuana laws; levy marijuana taxes
S. B. No. 100 Exclude certain agricultural entities from insurance regulations

Primary Sponsored Resolutions

Resolution Title
S. J. R. No. 3 Apply to Congress: Constitutional Convention for certain purposes

Cosponsored Resolutions

Resolution Title
S. C. R. No. 1 Urge designation of illicit fentanyl a weapon of mass destruction
S. R. No. 4 In memory of Ben Espy.
S. C. R. No. 4 Adopt the Legislative Code of Ethics
S. R. No. 5 Honoring Phil Cummins for years of stalwart service to the Legislative Service Commission.
S. C. R. No. 9 Urge Congress to make the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent
S. R. No. 17 Adopt Senate Rules
S. R. No. 18 Permitting the use of the Ohio Senate Chamber and hearing rooms by the Western Ohio National Speech and Debate Association on March 15, 2025.
S. R. No. 19 Authorizing the Ohio-West Virginia Youth Leadership Association to use the Ohio Senate Chamber and committee rooms on April 10-12, 2025.
S. R. No. 23 Honoring Urban Meyer on being inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.
S. R. No. 24 Honoring The Ohio State University football team as the 2025 College Football Playoff National Champion.
S. R. No. 26 Honoring Kathleen A. Luikart on her retirement from the Ohio Legislative Service Commission.
S. R. No. 27 Honoring Maggie Purdy for outstanding service to the State of Ohio.
S. R. No. 28 Honoring Theresea Varrasso for outstanding service to the Ohio Senate.
S. R. No. 33 Honoring Marcus Benjamin for outstanding service to the State of Ohio.
S. R. No. 34 Honoring Regan Burke-Onda for outstanding service to the State of Ohio.
S. R. No. 35 Honoring David Reedy for outstanding service to the State of Ohio.
S. R. No. 38 Honoring Annice Carter on her years of service to the Ohio Legislative Service Commission.
S. R. No. 39 In memory of Alan J. Zaleski.
S. R. No. 41 Authorizing Cleveland State University to use the Ohio Senate Chamber on March 13, 2025.