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Manning Announces Funding for Economic Development

December 6, 2024
Nathan H. Manning News

COLUMBUS-State Senator Nathan Manning (R-North Ridgeville) announced the state will award more than $1.3 million to Huron and Lorain counties for brownfield remediation.

"This investment will help us turn two sites into excellent resources and developments that will support our communities," Manning said. "I am looking forward to seeing the progress of these projects and how they will positively impact the 13th District."

These projects include:615 Foster Avenue (Lorain County): $880,000 - This project includes asbestos abatement and demolition of a former high school that will be redeveloped into 100 affordable senior housing units.

130 Shady Lane (Huron County): $464,870 - Funds will support asbestos abatement and demolition of a building within the Shady Lane Complex in Norwalk. The site will be prepared for a redevelopment to support the county's operations.

This funding is part of the Ohio Brownfield Remediation Program that is currently funded through House Bill 33, the state's main operating budget, which Manning supported. This program aims to help clean up industrial, commercial, and institutional brownfield sites. The grant program launched in 2021 and since then has awarded more than $636 million to support 626 projects in 86 counties.