Manning Announces Funds to Support Firelands School District Construction Projects
July 12, 2019
Nathan H. Manning News

COLUMBUS—State Senator Nathan Manning (R-North Ridgeville) this week announced the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) has approved school construction projects in nine school districts across the state, including Firelands Local School District in Lorain County.
The funding was made possible through House Bill 529, the state’s capital bill enacted in 2018. The pre-approved funds are still contingent upon state Controlling Board approval.
"The pre-approval of these funds is great news for students and families in our community," said Manning. "Existing facilities are in need of replacement and the cost, shared between the state and local community, will help provide for operating and maintenance expenses associated with the new construction projects and updates to existing facilities."
Firelands School District already raised their local shares for these projects, totaling more than $22 million. The Commission action will mean the allocation of $5 million in state funding to be combined with local funding, a value of over $27 million for school construction for the district.
Senator Manning serves as a member of the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission which approved the request.