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Antonio Commends Court Decision in Voting Rights Case

July 23, 2024
Nickie J. Antonio News

Today, Senate Democratic Leader Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) commended the decision by Federal District Court Judge Bridget Meehan Brennan, who ruled that a portion of House Bill 458 violates the Voting Rights Act.

“The right to vote in America is sacred,” said Antonio. “Judge Brennan’s decision affirms that disabled voters have a right to access their ballot like any other. Moving forward, we must continue to prioritize accessible, fair elections for all Ohioans. I urge my colleagues in the legislature to heed the gravity of this ruling and work towards legislation that strengthens, rather than undermines, the democratic rights of every Ohio voter.”

The language in the bill made it a felony for anyone who is not an election official or mail carrier to assist voters with disabilities unless the person assisting falls within a list of certain relatives. Antonio and Senate Democrats voted against H.B. 458 at the end of 2023 and urged Governor DeWine to veto the bill once it passed the legislature.

Learn more about the decision here.