Nickie J. Antonio Legislation
Primary Sponsored Bills
Bill | Title |
S. B. No. 20 | Designate Ohio Stroke Awareness Week |
S. B. No. 28 | Levy a tax on certain high-volume landlords |
S. B. No. 70 | Enact the Ohio Fairness Act |
S. B. No. 71 | Prohibit conversion therapy for minors by certain professionals |
S. B. No. 130 | Designate Arab American Heritage Month |
S. B. No. 132 | Enact the PRESERVE Act |
S. B. No. 133 | Abolish the death penalty; revise number of juror challenges |
S. B. No. 134 | Abolish death penalty; regards funding of lethal injection drugs |
Cosponsored Bills
Bill | Title |
S. B. No. 2 | Increase power generation; improve Ohio's electric grid |
S. B. No. 6 | Revise building inspection law |
S. B. No. 9 | Incorporate Internal Revenue Code changes into Ohio law |
S. B. No. 14 | Designate Speaker Jo Ann Davidson Day |
H. B. No. 14 | Incorporate Internal Revenue Code changes into Ohio law |
S. B. No. 17 | Designate 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion Day |
S. B. No. 21 | Designate Rutherford B. Hayes Day |
S. B. No. 22 | Authorize tax credit or rebate for certain homeowners, renters |
S. B. No. 24 | Adopt the 1905 Wright Flyer III as the state airplane |
S. B. No. 27 | Designate Ameloblastoma Awareness Day |
S. B. No. 39 | Provide for informational poster on veteran benefits and services |
H. B. No. 54 | Make appropriations for transportation for FY 2026-27 biennium |
S. B. No. 73 | Enact Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act |
S. B. No. 78 | Establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan |
S. B. No. 85 | Create the Ohio NAACP license plate |
S. B. No. 111 | Designate Henrietta Lacks Day |
S. B. No. 142 | Phase out subminimum wage for individuals with disabilities |
S. B. No. 154 |
Primary Sponsored Resolutions
Resolution | Title |
S. R. No. 41 | Authorizing Cleveland State University to use the Ohio Senate Chamber on March 13, 2025. |
S. R. No. 42 | Honoring Scott W. Stockman for outstanding service to the State of Ohio. |
S. R. No. 51 | Reaffirm Ukraine's sovereignty; support the people of Ukraine |
Cosponsored Resolutions
Resolution | Title |
S. R. No. 1 | Relative to the salaries of the officials and employees of the Senate. |
S. R. No. 2 | Relative to mileage reimbursement. |
S. R. No. 4 | In memory of Ben Espy. |
S. C. R. No. 4 | Adopt the Legislative Code of Ethics |
S. R. No. 5 | Honoring Phil Cummins for years of stalwart service to the Legislative Service Commission. |
S. C. R. No. 8 | Urge Congress pass Reducing Accidents in Locomotives (RAIL) Act |
S. R. No. 18 | Permitting the use of the Ohio Senate Chamber and hearing rooms by the Western Ohio National Speech and Debate Association on March 15, 2025. |
S. R. No. 19 | Authorizing the Ohio-West Virginia Youth Leadership Association to use the Ohio Senate Chamber and committee rooms on April 10-12, 2025. |
S. R. No. 20 | Authorizing Ohio YMCA Youth and Government to use the Ohio Senate Chamber and committee rooms on January 30-31, 2025, and March 20-21, 2025. |
S. R. No. 23 | Honoring Urban Meyer on being inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. |
S. R. No. 24 | Honoring The Ohio State University football team as the 2025 College Football Playoff National Champion. |
S. R. No. 26 | Honoring Kathleen A. Luikart on her retirement from the Ohio Legislative Service Commission. |
S. R. No. 38 | Honoring Annice Carter on her years of service to the Ohio Legislative Service Commission. |
S. R. No. 39 | In memory of Alan J. Zaleski. |