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Antonio Commends Passage of Transportation Budget

March 24, 2021
Nickie J. Antonio News
Today, Assistant Minority Leader and state Senator Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) commended the Ohio Senate’s passage of House Bill 74, the state’s two-year transportation budget.

“I am pleased to have participated in this bipartisan process that will fix Ohio’s roads and bridges, keep public transit as a priority and move Ohio into the 21st Century with regard to electric vehicle supports,” said Antonio.

H. B. 74 includes almost $6 billion over the biennium to fix Ohio’s roads and bridges, adds an additional $70 million per year over the Governor’s budget for public transportation as well as $8 million for Electric Vehicle charging stations.
It also requires the Ohio Department of Transportation to have a policy to make the purchase and replacement of rail lines used for public passenger transportation eligible for funding, subject to approval by the Transportation Review Advisory Council, which will benefit RTA.

The bill also modernizes and expands the possibilities for Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA), something in the works for years.